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2 ICAUD Proceedings book / 2
ID Author(s) Paper / Poster Title
Architectural History and Historic Preservation
Archeology and Museology
246 Annalisa Ferrante, Stefania Lamaddalena, Francesca Liuni, Mariangela Messina, Cristina Piccolomo
261 Marcella D’Onofrio, Valerio Dario, Caterina Del Sole, Rossana Gangale, Maria Lucia Masciopinto, Francesca Stefano Kos: A design for the Baths Museum
264 Marisa Corrente, Carmine Robbe, Matteo Ieva The Legitimacy of a Project: the Varrese Tomb between Urban Landscape and Preservative Instances
269 Fernando Giannella
283 Angela Di Paola, Annachiara Fiore, Deborah Giachetti, Emanuella Lionetti Taranto. The Convent Complex of San Domenico Maggiore. Redesigning and Museological Project
Materials and Construction Techniques
166 Francesco Scricco
188 Claudia Calabria
210 Lulëzim Bytyçi, Fisnik Kadiu, Musa Stavileci Production of Concrete in Construction Engineering, Adding Grace from Power Plants
213 Elena Mamani , Kreshnik Merxhani Water Cisterns in Historical Houses - Gjirokaster
216 Özlem Atalan, İzzet Özkeresteci Characteristics of Historic Areas and Buildings in the City of Uşak and Recommendations for a Sustainable Conservation Area Approach
297 Llazar Shyti, Ilgen Çela
Architectural and Landscape Design
Architectural Design Practice
142 Erida Abazi, Sokol Dervishi Colour and Participative Process in Urban Requalification of Tirana
271 Benan Sahin, Leman Figen Gul
331 Fallon Harold Adaptability of Project Specific Typologies – AgwA studycases
Architectural Design Theory
114 Gonca Zeynep Tunçbilek Temporary Architecture
144 Nicola Parisi, Daniela De Mattia, Fabio Parisi The Big Roof. For a Theory of Design through the Permutation of the Big Formal and Structural Types
158 Alessandro Camiz Different Approaches in Post-seismic Rebuilding of Urban Fabric: Venzone, S. Angelo dei Lombardi, Gibellina
161 Gökhan Kodalak, Erhan Vural, Hasan Sıtkı Gümüşsoy, Ozan Özdilek Open-Cube: Towards an Open-Source Architecture
163 Maria Irene Lattarulo Architecture of the Past versus Contemporary Design: Postwar Reconstruction as a Reflection on Construction
187 Denada Veizaj, Gjergji Islami The Fractal Dimension as Alternative Theoretical Tool to Examine and Develop Urban Patterns
231 Gianni Savarro
256 Stefania Petralla
298 Enrica Leonardis Design in Stone: Perspectives of Formal and Technological Innovation of Domes
315 Renilda Hyseni The Role of Urban Morphology in Modeling the Urban Land Use Change
360 Edmond Manahasa Twin Towers Destroying Tirana`s Identity?
371 Jurtin Hajro On Style: Through Architectural Model
Landscape Planning and Design
152 Elisabetta Ginelli, Laura Daglio Energyscapes: Developing a Multiscalar Systemic Approach to Assess the Environmental, Social and Economic Impact of Renewable Energy Systems on Landscape
196 Andrea Oldani Designing Unstable LandscapesV
Housing Design
131 Anna Yunitsyna Universal Space in Dwelling – the Room for All Living Needs
260 Mariangela Turchiarulo Mediterranean Urban Form
325 Oketa Borici Hoxha, Florian Neprevishtja
Urban Building Physics and Technology
Heat and Mass Transfer in Building Materials, Building Envelope and the Whole Building
227 Guzel Çoban Mayuk, Ömer Şükrü Deniz Principles for Controlling Water Vapor in Buildings
243 Bianka Szasz, Ulrich Pont, Ardeshir Mahdavi A Comparison of Straw-Bale and Conventional Brick Buildings in View of Energy Efficiency and Environmental Performance
Buildings Energy Performance
128 Jonida Murataj (Jaupi)
173 Silvia Di Turi Energy performance analysis of residential buildings in Bari, in the South of Italy
178 Ulrich Pont, Stefan Glawischnig, Ardeshir Mahdavi AUTOCERT: A web-based approach for heating demand calculations for Building Performance Evaluation and Optimization
198 Sara Torabi Moghadam, Federica Soncini, Stefano P. Corgnati, Valentina Fabi, Farhang Tahmasebi, Ardeshir Mahdavi
199 Filiz Şenkal Sezer, Arzu Çahantimur
200 Ehsan Vaziefeh and Ardeshir Mahdavi,  A Comparative Performance Study of Diffuse Fraction Models Based on Data from Vienna, Austria
321 Gjergji Islami, Denada Veizaj Comfort Conditions and Energy Consumption in Prefabricated Houses in Tirana

Proceedings - 12 - 3 - 4 -

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline:
November 15, 2013

Abstract acceptance notification:
December 3, 2013

Full paper submission deadline:
February 1, 2014
February 15, 2014

Full paper acceptance notification:
March 1, 2014
March 19, 2014

Early bird registration deadline:
April 15, 2014

Conference registration and fee payment:
April 30, 2014, by 5.00 pm CET

May 8-10, 2014

Previous ICAUD

1-st ICAUD

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