You are invited to submit an abstract and / or poster proposal to one of the conference tracks listed below:
Architectural History and Theory
Classical Antiquity and Ancient Architecture
Byzantine Architecture
Ottoman Architecture
Architectural and Urban Discourse, Polemics and Strategies of 20th Century
20th Century Architectural Developments in Albania
Contemporary Discourse on Architectural Theory
Current Utopias
Historic Preservation
Historic Architecture and the City
Archeology and Museology
Materials and Construction Techniques in Preservation
Adaptive Reuse in Historical Context
Architectural Design
Architectural Design and Design Methodologies,
Digital Age and Contemporary Discussions
Architectural Design Practice
Innovative Technologies in Architectural Design
Urban and Rural Housing
Informal Housing
Affordable Housing
Next Trajectories in Design Education
Design Concepts and Strategies
Design Curriculum
Design Tools
Computational Design Thinking
Collaboration in Design Education
Environmental Psychology
Environmental and User Behavior
Environmental Quality
Architectural Psychology
Phenomenology in Architecture
Place Attachment
Place Identity
Social Use of Space
Memory of the Place
Landscape Research, Planning and Design
Landscape Research
Landscape Design
Digital Landscape Architecture
GIS application in Landscape Planning
Landscape Management
Landscape preservation
Urban/Building Physics and Technology
Heat and Mass Transfer in Building Materials and Building Envelope
Buildings' Energy Performance
Indoor Climate and Thermal Comfort
Urban Physics
Technologies for Intelligent Buildings
Building and Room Acoustics
Urban Planning and Design
Next City: Utopic Scenarios and Transformation of Cities in post-industrial age
Sustainable Urban Planning and Territorial Development
Physical and Social Regeneration of Marginal and Rural Areas
Urban Spaces Design and Management
Bottom-up Urbanism/Democracy and Community Participation
Sustainable Transports and new Mobility Systems
Closing the Cycles: Water, Energy, Waste and Mobility
ICTs and City, Smart City
Urban Fringe
Digital technologies in architecture and urban design
Concepts and Strategies of Digital Design
Digital Fabrication in Design and Architecture
Computational Architecture and Urban Planning
Industry and Practice in Albanian/International context
Architectural Projects in Albanian/International Context
Urban Design Projects in Albanian/International Context
Innovative Technologies of the Industry